What if you could create painting just by dancing? Imagine every sway, shake, and spin you make being captured by a sensor and transformed into lines on paper. In this tutorial, we explore how your body's movement can be interpreted to a unique visual expression using an accelerometer and wireless communication. Let your movements guide the pen and watch as your dance turns into art!

- Drawing board (made from 5mm form board) - Pen holder x 1 - Paper - Pen - LINKKI Motor Kit x 2 - Micro:bit x 2
Construction & Assembly

1. Connect two motors to pin0 and pin1 of Micro:bit (1). 2. Attach motor (1) connected to pin0 to the yellow circle on LINKKI. 3. Attach motor (2) connected to pin1 to the drawing board. 4. Hold Micro:bit (2) in your hand or attach it to your wrist using a band.
Further reading
What is an Accelerometer? An accelerometer is a sensor that detects an object’s movement and tilt. It measures which direction the object is moving, how fast it’s moving, or how much it is tilting, and then provides this data. In the Micro:bit, the accelerometer measures movement and tilt along three axes: X, Y, and Z. When you tilt or shake the Micro:bit in different directions—left, right, forward, backward, up, or down—the accelerometer captures these changes and provides a strength value that combines data from all three axes to indicate the overall movement intensity. What is Radio Communication? The Micro:bit’s radio communication feature allows it to wirelessly send and receive data to and from other Micro:bit using radio waves. This communication works by setting a shared “radio group” number, meaning only Micro:bit with the same group number can exchange information.